C-Street Mexican Grill Wilmington NC Our Story
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Damon and LuAnn Bartolo purchased C-Street Mexican Grill in July of 2020. They did not let the pandemic get in the way of their dream of owning a restaurant together. They quickly fell in love with the regular customers and the overall vibe that the restaurant had to offer. They knew this was where they wanted to be.

 LuAnn is a native Wilmingtonian. She went to culinary school and had her own catering business for 25 years. Food is her favorite hobby, may it be eating it or cooking for someone else. Whenever she is in the restaurant, you will know, as she is always wearing a smile and greeting the customers.

Damon was born and raised in Iowa and came to Wilmington, NC 26 years ago with the Port City Roosters Minor League Baseball team. When the Roosters left town, Damon stayed on and found himself in the food industry. He has managed two restaurants in his time in Wilmington and that helped cultivate his desire to own his own one day.

At C-Street Mexican Grill, the Bartolo’s desire is to make you feel like you never left home.